With the right reforms, it can become more than a petrostate. Algeria’s constitutional court certified President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s reelection to...
Tag - economy
African Alliance Insurance Plc has assured its stakeholders on continuous payment of genuine claims, even as it said, it is still active and in operation in...
New investment and nearshoring opportunities in Algeria were the subject of a conference organized this Thursday in Algiers by the Delegation of the European...
MOSCOW – Russia plans to grow its presence in the global dairy products market by increasing supplies by 15-20% annually with a big push into Arab...
Following an expected recession of 0.5 percent this year, Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) is now forecast to fall by as much in 2024, the German...
An estimated 1.3 million people in England are living in pockets of hidden hardship and could be missing out on help because their poverty is masked by better...
The German government announced on Wednesday that the 17 billion euro (18.36 billion U.S. dollars) gap in the 2024 budget due to the failed reallocation of...
Morocco has taken the lead in mobile payments in the Middle East and Africa, according to the latest edition of the Evina & Telecoming Direct Carrier...
Egypt’s government will raise the minimum wage paid by the private sector to 3,500 Egyptian pounds ($113) a month as of Jan. 1, according to a decision...
Egypt’s food industry exports reached $4.3 billion in the first ten months of 2023, said Chairman of the Food Export Council (FEC) Hani Barzi on...